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[Read Poems, Stories]
Dec. 9, 2020 I was honored to be designated the
2020 SFPA Grand Master
by the Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association (SFPA).
April 18, 2020 Alessandro Manzetti and I are humbled and happy that our book, THE PLACE OF BROKEN THINGS
received The HWA Bram Stoker for Superior Achievement in Poetry. In a category where every book on the final ballot was excellent.
Watch the Awards at
HWA Bram Stoker Awards.
Watch video of my performing poem
Mami Wata, Goddess of Clear Blue presented by KXCI and Words on the Avenue, produced by Tere Fowler-Chapmann and Hannah Levin. Filmed and directed by Julius Schlosburg. The best team ANYWHERE.
Mar. 27, 2018 Here in the full video of the
2018 HWA Bram Stoker Awards is my receiving the HWA Lifetime Achievement award from 41:40 to 47:10.
(publisher Crossroad Press)
A collection of horror and science-fiction short stories and poetry;
received a HWA Bram Stoker Awards(R).
(publisher Space
& Time Books)
A collection of 100 poems; received a HWA Bram Stoker Awards(R).
(publisher Space
& Time Books)
A poetry collection, introduction by Charlee Jacob;
received a HWA Bram Stoker Awards(R).
(publisher Space
& Time Books)
A poetry and fiction collection, introduction by Barry N. Malzberg.
(Marvel/Titan Books),
written with 17 other fantastic authors. Available now from all online bookstores or order from your neighborhood bookstore.
(Crystal Lake Publishing),
written with
Alessandro Manzetti.
Cover art by
Adrian Borda,
interior art by
Luke Spooner.
I am in an Italian Limited Edition Collection Edition of Edgar Allan Poe poetry published by Independent Legions, translated by award-winning poet Alessandro Manzetti with additional four reinterpretations of poems by Alessandro Manzetti and myself. Cover illustration by Wendy Saber Core, interior illustrations by Stefano Cardoselli.
100 Percent of profits will go to benefit breast cancer non-profit organizations.
Horror, science fiction and dark fiction by 38 women. (publisher Lycan Valley Press)
Contains my original story, Smiley Roaches.
edited by Milton J. Davis. (publisher MVMedia, LLC.)
Contains the first time reprint of my story, Twice, At Once, Separated, from the first Dark Matter anthology. Includes work by Guests at the Blacktasticon in Atlantic GA (2018).
edited by Reynaldo Anderson & John Jennings. (publisher Cedar Grove Publishing)
Contains my poem, The Black Speculative Art Manifesto (Spell) with art work by Stacey Robinson.
edited by myself, Kinitra Brooks PhD, and
Susana Morris PhD.
Cover artwork by Jim Callahan.
(publisher Cedar Grove Publishing)
A horror anthology of fiction & poetry by African-American women (some new, some known)
and HWA Bram Stoker Award(R) finalist.
PAINFREAK anthology edited by
Gerard Houarner.
(publisher Necro Publications)
Charlee Jacob and I have the opening piece, includes all new stories from some of the top authors in modern horror.
I have a set of poems in this wonderful anthology of short stories and poetry from Simon Schuster.
THE BEAUTY OF DEATH: The Gargantuan Book of Horror Tales with Peter Straub, Ramsey Campbell and others. (publisher Independent Legions Publishing)
Contains my story, Finding Water to Catch Fire.
FOUR ELEMENTS (paperback) (publisher Bad Moon Books)
A poetry and fiction collection
with four sections written by four HWA Bram Stoker Award(R) winners,
Marge Simon (Earth),
Rain Graves (Water),
Charlee Jacob (Fire)
and myself (Air),
cover art by Daniele Serra
and color interior illustrations by
Marge Simon;
received a HWA Bram Stoker Awards(R).
DARK DUET (publisher Necon E-Books)
A collaborative book of poetry written with Stephen M. Wilson, inspired by music.
Cover art by Kiri Moth and interior art by
Jill Bauman,
a duet of introductions by
Tom Piccirilli and
Mike Arnzen;
a HWA Bram Stoker Award(R) finalist.
I wrote the introduction to this exciting and enticing collection.
Dark Discoveries magazine #34 (publisher JournalStone)
Contains my poem, Shadow Rainbow & Other Fragile Things.
100+ Black Women in Horror Writing
Sumiko Saulson compiled a list of Black Women in Horror in 2014, this is the 2018 updated version which includes interviews with eleven of the women and an essay about Octavia Butler and L.A. Banks.
(I am one of the 11).
Read Sumiko Saulson blog on her updated Black Women in Horror book.
Feb 12 to 14, 2021:
Join me at Boskone online for an exciting science fiction and fantasy convention. It is going to be a fun weekend filled with discussions of books, science, art, games, music, and more.
I am on three panels.
Read my Mini Boskone Interview
HWA Skeleton Hour 06
Feb 16, 2021 7pm PT: Watch recorded discussion with some of the authors from the Sycorax’s Daughters Anthology.
A Conversation with Afrofuturism Authors
Feb 18, 2021 2-3:30pm EST: Join the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee of the National Science Policy Network all February
during their week of Afrofuturism. Register for this free online discussion Mothership: Tales from Afrofuturism and Beyond
with Tenea Johnson, Andaiye Reeves-Smith, Kiini Ibura Salaam and I.
Virtuous Con
Feb 21, 2021 11am-Noon EST: I will be part of the Speculative Poetry Readings with Akua Lezli Hope, SFPA, Founder of Speculative Sundays, creator and poet;
Bryan O’Hara, poet; Terese Mason Pierre, editor, poet;
Jacqueline Johnson, editor, poet.
Free registration for Virtuous Con: the ultimate Sci-Fi, Comic Culture Experience.
WiHM AT the Syosset Public Library in Long Island Attendee LInk
Feb 25, 2021: Please join me and HWA-NY members Meghan Arcuri, April Grey, and Carol Gyzander, for some scary stories, Q and A, and a lot of fun, in partnership with the Syosset Public Library.
Tucson Festival of Books
March 6 to 7, 2021: I will be participating in the Virtual Indie Author Pavilion.
Tucson Festival of Books--GODS AND DEMONS panel
March 7, 2021 3pm MST: I will be moderating an online panel GODS AND DEMONS with P. Djeli Clark and Rebecca Roanhorse.
After registering for festival, to attend go to date and time, click panel, select Watch Broadcast.
Dillard University Afrofuturism Discussion
March 10, 2021 6pm EST: A panel discussion with some authors from the BLACK PANTHER: TALES OF WAKANDA ANTHOLOGY edited by Jesse J. Holland.
Register in advance for this free event.
Women in Horror: Expanding the Horror Canon series.
March 16, 2021 7pm EST: Join the University of Pittsburgh Library System,
co-sponsored by the Center for African American Poetry and Poetics for a conversation with Linda D. Addison.
Watch a recording of the event.
Clarion West: Black Editors and Publishers in Speculative Fiction
April 12, 2021 6pm Pacific: A conversation with today’s Black publishers and editors of anthologies and magazines.
Register in advance for this free event.
Tucson Poetry Festival workshop
April 17, 2021 3pm EST, Noon Pacific: I will be teaching a one hour Poetry Forms for All Writers workshop.
Advance Registration Required by April 14. Confirmation and Zoom links will be emailed April 15.
Workshops are free and open to the public, but donations are gratefully accepted.
HWA StokerCon 2021
May 20th through 23rd, 2021: The Horror Writers Association has made the difficult decision to shift StokerCon 2021 from
an in-person event to a virtual platform during its originally scheduled May 20 to 23 dates. With the ongoing pandemic, the
emergence of viral variants, and the broad range of travel obstacles around the world, we have deemed this to be the safest,
most responsible way to hold the event.
Annual Taos Writers Conference workshops
July 24, 2021 2 to 5pm MT: I will be teaching Poetry Forms for All Writers workshop. Not just for poets: a workshop to play with different poetry forms.
Tai Chi Alchemy
Sept 2021: In Sedona AZ, stay tuned for more information.
TusCon 48
Nov 12 to 14, 2021: Fun SF Convention in Tucson, AZ. Author GOH: Jennifer Ashley, Artist GOH: Jill Bauman, Toastmaster: Weston Ochse.
I am one of the authors of 7 Magpies Movie,
an anthology film project conceived by L.C. Cruell. The film is being created with work by
7 black female horror authors & 7 black female filmmakers based on the old nursery rhyme.
The writers include myself,
Tananarive Due,
Sumiko Saulson,
Eden Royce,
Crystal Connor,
Valjeanne Jeffers,
and Paula Ashe.
The directors are
Lucy Cruell,
Tiffany D. Jackson,
Nicole Renee,
Robin Shanea, Lary Love Dolley,
Meosha Bean,
and Rae Dawn Chong.
One for sorrow,
Two for mirth,
Three for a wedding,
Four for a birth,
Five for silver,
Six for gold,
Seven for a secret,
Never to be told.
Check out the 7 Magpies Facebook page.
nominated for SFPA 2021 Rhysling Award, short poem category.
Black Gate review of Weird Tales 364
by Derek Austin Johnson
On Valentine's Day
we dare to ask it: why are vampires sexy? by Jim Beckerman
Interview SFPA Grand Master Linda D. Addison
by SFPA Vice President, Colleen Anderson
Boskone 58 Mini Interviews
with Linda D. Addison, Karen Heuler, and Dr. Gillian Polack
The Spec Griot Garage Episode 18
poem GHOST DRIVING by Linda D. Addison with extra special guest Sarah Hans
2020 Speculative poetry awards announced,
including my receiving SFPA Grand Master award by AANEWS. (12/12/2020)
Black writers and filmmakers are reinvigorating the horror style
by John K. Blake, CNN. (10/4/2020)
3 Horror Novels by Black Authors to Read This Halloween
by Alexandria Daniels
(October 2020)
Weird Tales interview with Alessandro Manzetti and I
by Jezzy Wolfe. (9/11/2020)
Get Out, Lovecraft Country, Us. Black writers, filmmakers are transforming horror
by Jim Beckerman. (8/6/2020)
10 Black Spec Poems That Invoke Madness
includes my video of reading poem MAMI WATA, GODDESS OF CLEAR BLUE
Horror Media Created by Black Women
on Ladies of Horror Fiction Reading Recommendations
20 Great Horror Books by Black Authors on Bloody Blog
Closing out National Poetry Month with Horror Poetry includes my interview of Christina Sng about her poetry collection, A COLLECTION OF DREAMSCAPES
A feast of Black-centered literary events lit up the Bay Area with write up, video, photos of AAMMC
by Sumiko Saulson. (2/29/2020)
Ladies of Horror Fiction: Guest Post: Burning Bright: How Women Poets Conquered Horror Poetry
by Jennifer Barnes. (2/17/2020)
Black History Month Spotlight Interview with Linda Addison
by John F. Allen. (2/11/2020)
20 Diverse Authors to Read in 2020
by Lilyn G. (1/14/2020)
15 Authors Like Stephen King You Need To Add To Your TBR
by Jessica Avery (guess who is on this list). (10/21/2019).
StokersSoWhite: 2016-2018 the fall of tokenism at the HWA
by Sumiko Saulson in SF Bay View newspaper. (10/17/2019).
How to Recognize a Demon Has Become a Friend review
by V. Castro (and shout out to the fantastic artist Jill Bauman for the book cover). (4/24/2019).
Three poems by me for National Poetry Month
by Erin Al-Mehairi, Oh for the HOOK of a Book blog. (4/24/2019).
Mourning Meal from Poem to Film fundraiser PR
by award winning director, producer Jamal Hodge. (4/1/2019).
20 Indie Horror Novels for 20 Types of Horror Fan
has my book, HOW TO RECOGNIZE A DEMON HAS BECOME YOUR FRIEND, on the list (10/8/2018).
An Interview With Bram Stoker Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient LINDA ADDISON
by Gaby Triana, The Witch Haunt site (8/10/2018).
I Know Why the NyteBird Sings: An Interview with Linda D. Addison by David E. Cowen (7/2/2018).
Interview with Linda D. Addison
by Gordon B. White, Nightmare Magazine (7/1/2018).
An Interview With Blacktasticon Guest of Honor Linda Addison
by Robert Jeffrey (5/9/2018).
Interview with an Author: Linda Addison
by Daryl M., Librarian LA Public Library (4/27/2018).
Poems by Linda D. Addison Bram Stoker Award Winner
by Erin Al-Mehairi, Oh for the HOOK of a Book site (4/27/2018).
Authors Interviews with Linda D. Addison
by Fiona Mcvie (4/25/2018).
Women in Horror Superstars: Linda Addison & Stephanie Wytovich
by CLASH Media (2/28/2018).
20 Women Horror Writers You Need to Read
by Jason White (2/21/2018).
Linda Addison Wins HWA Lifetime Achievement Award writeup
by Horror Addicts Net (2/19/2018).
10 African American Authors to Read This Month Litreactor column
by Gabino Iglesias (2/13/2018).
Linda Addison Will Scare You (In A Good Way) Tempest Challenge BHM
by K. Tempest Bradford - Between Boundaries blog (2/12/2018).
HWA Bram Stoker Award Final Ballot with
SYCORAXS DAUGHTERS is a finalist in the Anthology category (2/8/2018).
WiHM (WOMEN IN HORROR MONTH) by Michael Bailey on his Written Backwards blog (2/2/2018).
I am recipient of HWA Lifetime Achievement Award.
I am honored and blessed (1/4/2018).
10 Chilling Writing Tips From Horror Authors by Charlotte Ahlin (9/19/2017).
Writing Excuses 12.12: Words as Words, with Linda Addison (3/21/2017).
28 Days of Black Women in Horror by Eden Royce - The Dark Geisha blog (2/4/2017).
Women In Horror Month interview by Kathryn McGee of the Horror Writers Association (2/3/2017).
SFF Poet Spotlight by Bryan Thao Worra, an award-winning Laotian American writer (1/31/2017).
A History of Blackness in Speculative Fiction by M. Asli Dukan, Invisible Universe (2016).
3 Horror Novels By Black Authors To Read This Halloween by Alexandria Daniels (10/31/2016).
The Horror Poetry of Linda Addison by Cherita Smith (10/17/2016).
Discussing Writing, the Speculative, and Horror University: An Interview with Linda D. Addison By Jonathan MartÃnez (6/24/2016).
Blood Indigo: Black Women Horror Writers to Read Now by Eden Royce (2/23/2016).
Living Among Legends by Crystal Connor (2/22/2016).
What It Takes to Write Strange Stuff my guest post on JG Faherty Blog (2/21/2016).
Linda Addison On Winning A Bram Stoker Award by David Watson (2/18/2016).
Genesis-The First Black Horror Writers, my blog post on Horror Addicts (2/10/2016).
8 Authors to Follow by Annie Neugebauer (2/15/2016).
Intro to Celebrating Black Horror History, by Sumiko Saulson (2/1/2016).
HWA Poetry Page honoring Women in Horror. Editor, Peter Salomon has poems
by Terrie Leigh Relf, Marge Simon and myself (1/31/2014).
Interview with Linda Addison, one of the authors of THE FOUR ELEMENTS (Air) by Sumiko Saulson (2/17/2013).
20 Black Women in Horror Writing by Sumiko Saulson (2/12/2013).
The Monster Librarian Presents review of FOUR ELEMENTS by Colleen Wanglund (2013).
Women in Horror: Expanding the Horror Canon series
The University of Pittsburgh Library System, co-sponsored by the Center for African American Poetry and Poetics in conversation with Linda D. Addison. (3/16/2021)
Wakanda Forever, Jesse J. Holland
as Host in conversation with some contributors to Black Panther: Tales of Wakanda. (3/1/2021)
A Conversation with Afrofuturism Authors
from the anthology, Mothership: Tales from Afrofuturism and Beyond, Linda Addison, Tenea Johnson, Andaiye Reeves-Smith,
and Kiini Abura Salaam. (2/18/2021)
HWA Skeleton Hour 06: Sycorax’s Daughters
With L.H. Moore (moderator), Linda Addison, Tish Jackson, Nicole Givens Kurtz, Rhonda J. Garcia, and L. Marie Wood. (2/17/2021)
Readings FamilySolstice Night / CHAPTER MARKERS IN DESCRIPTION
my first time reading in true VR for Kate Maruyama release of her new work. (2/1/2021)
The Outer Dark (TOD) 090
Quarantine Readings: Linda Addison and Marc Laidlaw. (1/14/2021)
discuss the anthology with editor Matt Bechtel and Chris Upton on A Freethinkers Corner. (12/9/2020)
Speculative Sundays Poetry Reading Series 11
with host Akua Leslie Hope. (11/22/2020)
Demond Does 6Q w/Linda Addison
moderated by Jamal Hodge. (10/31/2020)
DCTV Presents What Comes Next
moderated by Jamal Hodge. (10/9/2020)
Galactic Terrors Reading Series October 2020
HWA Skeleton Hour, Episode 02
moderated by Jonathan Maberry. (9/21/2020)
Don’t Turn Out The Lights anthology Panel 2
moderated by Jonathan Maberry. (8/31/2020)
I was a guest on Monster Complex podcast with Will Christopher (8/3/2020).
I was a guest on The Southern Nightmares Reading Series July by the HWA Atlanta Chapter (7/23/2020).
Lovecraft eZine Podcast with Mike Davis
interviews Linda D. Addison, Craig Laurance Gidney, and Chesya Burke (6/7/2020).
Linda Addison interviews Christina Sng (4/22/2020).
HWA Bram Stoker Awards (4/18/2020).
HWA Bram Stoker Award Readings,
I am the third reader, nine minutes in (April 2020).
Listen to The Spec Griot Garage, Episode 7,
we talk about THE LESSON, a poem by Maya Angelou (4/3/2020).
Watch my HWA Bram Stoker finalist
interview by Dacre Stoker (3/27/2020).
KCXI BLAX Interview
Between Pen and Paper with Stevie Rose ft Linda Addison (2/21/2020).
Watch video of my performing poem
THE YELLOW HOUSE at Poets House, from collection, The Place of Broken Things, written with Alessandro Manzetti.
Watch video of my performing poem
Mami Wata, Goddess of Clear Blue presented by KXCI and Words on the Avenue, produced by Tere Fowler-Chapmann and Hannah Levin. Filmed and directed by Julius Schlosburg. The best team ANYWHERE.
Check out Claire Holland and I on
Scream Kings Episode 34: Horror Poetry (10/15/2019).
My story, THE POWER, produced by Tonia Thompson (Editor & Producer) from
NIGHTLIGHT: The Black Horror Podcast (8/21/2018).
PseudoPod 601: Flash On The Borderlands XLIII: The Grinding of Gears.
Listen to my story AM I REPEATING MYSELF? (6/29/2018).
Presentation of the HWA Lifetime Achievement award to me in the full video of the
2018 HWA Bram Stoker Awards from 41:40 to 47:10 (March 2018).
Talking with Leza Cantoral
Linda Addison Gets Lit (1/13/2018).
Listen to my interview about Mentoring
Great Lakes Horror Company Ep. 033 (12/17/2017).
The Best of Jeff Strand and Linda Addison with Brian and Dave on The Horror Show with Brian Keene, Ep 135 (9/21/2017)
Watch my five minute interview on
5 Questions With Narazu Artist Spotlight (July 2017).
KXCI Episode 4: Tales of Tucson, original radio dramas of the Sonoran Southwest,
Check out me talking with Shakespeare about Lady Macbeth at the TUCSON FESTIVAL OF BOOKS at about 14:15-14:25 & 14:48 to 14:52 minutes into the recording (May 2017).
HWA StokerCon Horror University interview, by StokerCon Video Squad (Feb 2017).
Listen to me read my poem PRECIOUS (from my first collection to win a HWA Bram Stoker, CONSUMED, REDUCED TO BEAUTIFUL, GREY ASHES and collage (by me)
on SFPA Halloween page (October 2016).
Eating the Fantastic interview by Scott Edelman (June 2016).
Genesis Science Fiction Radio internet radio interview by William Hayashi (2/19/2016)
Interview, book reviews and other stuff with Brian and Dave on The Horror Show with Brian Keene, Ep 33 (9/18/2015)
Interview (includes my reading a poem) at 2010 Beyond Blacula reading in NYC by blackscifitv
My life is lessons and blessings. How else to explain the path
of life that has taken me from the tough streets of Philly to a
quirky house in New York to a house in the desert? Nestled in the midst of strange and wondrous
items I joyfully write even stranger poems and stories.
Each event in my life holds different mixes of lessons and blessings,
rarely 50/50. Often the situations that hurt are more lesson than
blessing, but both are in the mix. Seeing each painful experience
in this way heals the sting, makes me pay attention to the lesson
and grow, to bring more light into my life.
My life
unfolding in unexpected dimensions:
take a skinny, awkward introvert,
mix in books of fables, science-fiction, fantasy, horror
Season with surprising blessings, people:
One taught me to laugh,
another to question everything
This one to know that there are no secrets
That one to see everything is hidden,
I learned to cry with my whole body,
That I am beautiful,
I am eternal,
Even broken,
I can heal,
rise from the ashes of a predestined life
find my authentic path
And know:
Unfolding life is imperfect.
Love the only truth.
Lessons and blessings
the only sanity…
